The Netherlands

The Netherlands, Roermond

Oolderplas,small lake. approx. 1,5 km by 1 km., located in the south of Holland.
This is a small lake near roermond, the lake is only for windsurfing, no kitesurfing allowed.
The lake is good for speedsurfing.
No current, no big waves,
There is a surfcenter where you park and gear up, you are asked to pay if you are not a member. I believe it's around 6,50 euros. ( 1 car, 2 adults)

Broekveeweg 100, 6049 CK, Ool.

Surfclub :

More info:


 Amstelmeer, Lutjestrand

A small lake , approx, 2 by 4 kilometers, located in the north of Holland.
No current, no big waves but good winds.
Ideal for beginners or experts.
There is a parking near the water.


Lutjeweg 2a
1778 LB Westerland

Surfshops in the Netherlands: ( North of Holland, Hoorn)

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